Health & Safety

Safety and Loss Control Policy

Bert Baxter Transport Ltd.
is committed to a strong safety and loss control program that protects it’s staff, it’ property and the public from accidents. Management also supports the industry wide Guiding Principles for Worker Safety, the National Safety Code, the Canada Labor Code and the US Motor Vehicles Code.

All employees are responsible and accountable for the company’s overall safety initiatives. Contractors are required to comply with all company safety policies and rules. Complete and active participation by everyone, everyday, every job is necessary for the safety excellence that the company demands.

Management requires participation in the program by all employees and endeavours to provide training, equipment and procedures to facilitate the development of an injury and accident free workplace.

Our goal is to achieve and maintain a high degree of excellence based on customer service, safety, compliance and employee satisfaction while maintaining the financial viability of the company


Safety General Procedures

All vehicles are safety certified in accordance with the National Safety Code. Inspections and repairs are carried out on a continuous basis. Trucks and tractors are safety certified every six months and trailers are done every twelve months. These certifications require a complete comprehensive inspection with all necessary repairs being completed before vehicles are returned to service. Cranes and cherry pickers are inspected regularly by certified engineers and all necessary repairs are also completed before they are put back in service. Trained and certified mechanics are on staff.

Equipment operators are licensed by the Highway Traffic Board, comply with NSC regulations and are trained in WHIMS, TDG, First Aid, Boom Truck and other specialties that their job descriptions require. Special safety attire is worn when necessary. A strict Drug and Alcohol Policy is enforced with mandatory pre-employment and random testing done on a regular basis.

Please take note:


The SAFE operation of all equipment is a condition of employment.

Bert Baxter Transport also reserves the right to protect its employees and equipment from any unsafe working conditions that may develop as a result of customer directives.

Trucks are equipped with two-way radios, cell phones or GPS systems which supply quick contact with the operator. This serves to provide convenient load tracking and re-routing as necessary in addition to the safety feature of being able to assist the driver when necessary.

All trucks are equipped with safety devises such as first aid kits, fire extinguishers, hard hats, safety glasses and accident reporting kits


Bert Baxter Transport is a active member of Canada Comply Works, IS Net World and PICS. All of our safety information can be accessed from the following web sites

Both ISNetworld and PICS automate the compliance data between Owner clents and their contractors. This onliine data basees allows Owner Clients to view Heallth annd Safety Statistics of their contractors and to complete automated contractor evaluation, audits and to issue their individual requirements automatically to their contrators.

This allows us to comply quickly with your company’s health and safety requirements Our information is monitored and kept up to date on a regular basis. For further information , our safety coordinator can be reached at (306) 634-3616 or visit the websites above.


Safety Training Programs

Bert Baxter Transport has a strong training program that is administered and instructed by our highly qualified Safety Co-ordinators and Training Institutes

  • PDIC – Professional Driver Improvement Course
  • WHMIS – Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
  • TDG – Transportation of Dangerous Goods