Warehousing & Yard Storage All company locations have staging and temporary storage for customer’s goods and shipments. Every effort possible will be given to accommodate requests for longer-term storage space and yard and facility rental. The Estevan is currenty in the process of developing larger consoladated storage areas .44
Repairs & Maintenance Most maintenance and repairsare completed in the modern and well-equipped shops by qualified personnel. Serveral journeyman and apprentices in the trade of Truck and Trailer Repair or Heavy duty Mechanic are employed and kept on staff. Company policy is to maintain an comprehensive inventory of parts to eliminate long delays in the completion of repairs. Shop areas in both Estevan and Leduc are spaciousand include ventilated pit s and a full-length wash bay. Sandblasting and a paint shop is also included in the Estevan Shop. Although priority is given to repairing company owned vehicles, time is usually available to provide assistance and emergency repairs to fellow truckers who are passing through and require help.
Pipe Yards Custodian for several pipe suppliers , steel companies, individual oil companies and customers Maintains several different pipe storage yards in the city of Estevan. Comprehensive electronic inventory management system tracks incoming stock, sales and returns on a timely basis. Qualified and experienced controllers who are primarily dedicated to the handling and physical stocking of inventory Owner reporting, documentation and accounting are maintained by a knowledgeable and efficient staff. Tubular goods are loaded onto trucks primarily with tool carriers, large forklifts and cherry pickers and a qualified crew. Separate storage racks are also available for the additional storage of customer goods.
Long Distance LTL (Multi Shipment Loads) For over 45 years direct service has been maintained for the cartage of less than truckload shipments between the major suppliers in Alberta and the oil patch of southeastern Saskatchewan. This is an overnight service with delivery early in the day following pickup. To assure delivery please place orders or make drop offs as early as possible. Full Load Shipments Shipments of full load quantities are accommodated and priced either on a hourly rate or a contract basis. Over dimensional loads may require permits. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff is available to provide information and suggestions as to the most efficient approach to load movement and to arrange for routing, permits and flag cars if necessary.. Canada - US - Full Load & LTL Long distance transportation of all types of general freight between Canada and the United States, including Alaska.
Oilfield Hauling With special emphasis on service to the oil industry, the company brings many years of experience in the handling and the transportation of oilfield equipment and materials. 24 Hour Personalized Service On call to the oil patch 24 hours a day. Complete service is only a phone call away and at the regular business number or by cellular connections. Pipe Hauling Loading, unloading and transportation of all varieties of tubular goods account for a large portion of company activity. Various types of equipment are available to handle both steel pipe and fiberglass products including forklifts, tool carriers, cherry pickers of different sizes and reaches. Nylon slings are used when warranted to eliminate any possible damage to the more fragile materials. Tank Moving Bed trucks and qualified drivers available to move tanks of various sizes anywhere from 200 barrel skidded tanks to 1500 barrel production tanks. Specialized tank trailers are available for the movement and setting of the larger pieces of equipment. Padded bunks protect fiberglass tans. Heavy Equipment Movement Winch and bed trucks are capable of loading and hauling various heavy equipment such as cats, camp shacks, backhoes, track hoes, construction equipment, trucks, trailers, machinery, motors, generators and…